"A broken crayon can still color."
“I like helping people. I developed a real sense of appreciation when I was helped by people. And I just felt like I wanted to give back.”Kendra Steele graduated from Wright State University with a B.A. in Social Work. Since March 2019, she has worked among the YWCA Dayton family as a Domestic Violence Case Manager.Q: How did you find out about YWCA Dayton?A: Through Indeed Job SearchQ: What is one major project you are working on at YW?A: Organizing groups with a co-worker, to offer the shelter clients, life skills, employment skills, gaining, and retaining employment through resume writing, education, and preparation.Q: What has been the best part about working at YWCA Dayton?A: The ability to help women who have been abused restore value in themselves again by empowering them.Q: If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?A: Crab legsQ: What advice do you give clients?A: Refrain from negativity, keep a positive outlook and know that this is only a temporary situation. “A broken crayon can still color.”Q: What should people know, but usually don’t, about YWCA Dayton?A: It is more than just a domestic violence shelter; it has permeant housing, clothing, and food for women in need and provides ongoing support through case management.Q: If you could talk to one species of animal, which would it be?A: A dog.